CX Competitor Benchmark

CX Competitor Benchmark
Get a full and in-depth picture of the Customer Experience delivered by your brand compared to key competitors.

Are You Missing Key Insights in Your Competitive Customer Experience Strategy?

CX Competitor Benchmark is designed to provide you with a comprehensive view of your brand’s customer experience performance compared to your competitors. Through a unique blend of quantitative and qualitative research, we deliver actionable insights that help you refine your strategies, amplify strengths, and address areas for improvement. By diving deep into the nuances of customer interactions, we capture both the tangible and intangible elements that influence customer loyalty and purchase decisions. We combine in-store evaluations with in-depth focus groups to offer a comprehensive analysis that empowers you to make informed decisions, drive growth and sustain excellence in your customer experience.


Unlock the insights you need to stay ahead of your competitors.

Start Your CX Competitor Benchmark Project

Insights for Customer Experience Excellence: Here’s How We Do It!

CX Competitor Benchmark offers a three-step approach to fully understand your brand’s standing in the market. Explore our approach below.


Quantitative Research: Customer Experience Evaluations

We conduct comprehensive customer experience benchmark evaluations across your brand and key competitors. This allows us to assess and rank the performance of each brand on critical customer experience themes.


Qualitative Research: Focus Groups

Through focus groups, we dive into the ‘whys’ behind customer feedback, exploring the emotions, contexts, and specific elements that shape their experiences. This stage reveals the strengths, weaknesses, and ‘wow’ moments of your brand and your competitors.


Insights, Best Practices & Recommendations​

We merge data from both research stages to provide a thorough diagnosis of your brand’s performance. Our detailed executive summary highlights quick wins, long-term actions, and strategic recommendations to elevate your customer experience.


Stand Out Against Competitors: The Strategic Benefits of CX Competitor Benchmark

Discover how CX Competitor Benchmark empowers your brand with actionable insights to elevate customer experiences and outperform competitors.


Competitor Assessment

​Understand how your brand measures up against two key competitors through in-depth customer service evaluations.


Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses

​Pinpoint areas of excellence and opportunities for growth in your brand’s customer experience versus competitors.


Actionable Insights

​Receive a consolidated report with quick wins and long-term strategies tailored to enhance your customer experiences and stand out from the crowd in the competitive luxury landscape.


In-Depth Understanding of Customer Perceptions

​Gain a deep understanding of why customers react the way they do, informed by both top-of-mind feedback and detailed explorations in focus groups.


Live Focus Group Access

​Attend focus group sessions live, allowing you to hear customer feedback firsthand and grasp the emotions and contexts that drive their experiences.


Strategic Competitive Edge

​Utilize our analysis to implement best practices and avoid pitfalls, ensuring your brand consistently delivers an exceptional customer experience against your competitors.


How many competitors can we include in the CX Competitor Benchmark analysis?

We include your brand and up to 2 key competitors in the CX Competitor Benchmark analysis, providing a clear comparison and actionable insights.

If we don’t understand the local language, can our brand still follow the focus groups?

Yes, even if the focus group discussion is held in a local language other than English, we provide live simultaneous English translation to ensure you can follow along seamlessly.

Can we ask questions or interact with Evaluators during the online focus groups?

You won’t be able to directly interact with Evaluators during the session. We ask that you join with your camera and audio off. However, there will be a brief opportunity at the end to ask additional questions through the moderator.

Why is a minimum of 2 focus groups per market required?

We recommend a minimum of 2 focus groups per market to ensure exhaustive feedback and a diversity of insights, which is crucial for a comprehensive analysis.

Can we select which Evaluators participate in the focus groups based on their feedback in the Customer Experience Evaluation (CXE) surveys?

No, Evaluators participating in the Focus Groups are pre-selected before they interact with your brand to ensure a natural and random spread of opinions and experiences.

Contact Us Today to Start Your CX Competitor Benchmark Project