Signature Experience Design

Signature Experience Design
Developed based on your brand’s DNA, we bring forward the “key moments” your brand wishes to transmit to your customers.

From Steps to Emotions: Creating Ambassadors for Your Brand

In today’s evolving world, customers seek unique, personalized, and memorable experiences. Traditional selling methods are outdated for both client-facing teams and end-customers. At CXG, we understand the need for brands to shift from a step-by-step approach to a comprehensive one, embracing flows over linear processes and recognizing the power of emotions in the experiences you offer.

We focus on creating impactful moments that turn every client into an Ambassador. Humans are driven by emotions, especially when purchasing. While emotions are intangible, we design selling experiences and training programs that have tangible impacts on your business. By aligning your customer experience with your brand equity, we ensure it strongly reflects your values, differentiating you from competitors by crafting experiences based on your purpose, values, and DNA. This approach engages your team in an experiential journey where emotions and customers are central to their actions, creating a significant momentum that ignites energy, proactivity, and passion within your organization.

Our Signature Experience Framework​

Our Signature Experience Design framework integrates four key areas to fully capture and convey the authentic emotions your brand seeks to evoke in customers, all rooted in your brand’s DNA. Explore each area below to discover how we bring your brand to life.


Brand Values

It all starts here. A Signature Experience is deeply rooted in your brand’s core values. We work closely with you to identify and focus on values that are most essential in creating your brand’s Signature Experience.



At this stage, once we’ve selected the key brand values, we turn our attention to the emotions each of these values should evoke in your luxury customers throughout the entire customer journey. Every subsequent element of the experience is designed to consistently evoke this emotion, from moments of entertainment to the sense of history that underscores your brand’s legacy. This foundation becomes the guiding principle, setting clear expectations for your client-facing teams.



The key moments of the customer journey are crucial touchpoints where your brand’s values and emotions come to life. We collaborate closely with your brand to creatively label and name these moments, making them both inspiring, visualized and easily adoptable for your client-facing teams. By activating these moments with the right in-store tools and enablers, we ensure that the emotions we’ve identified resonate authentically with customers. This comprehensive approach empowers your client-facing to guide customers through a seamless journey, creating emotional peaks and fostering genuine connections that strengthen customer relationships.


In-Store Activation

In-store activation is where we inspire and empower your client-facing teams to fully adopt the Signature Experience. Our focus is twofold: first, to spark a desire for change within your teams, and second, to equip them with the skills and willingness to convey this experience to your customers. Through targeted workshops and training, your teams will grasp the key expectations, develop the necessary behaviors, and be equipped with the tools and enablers in-store to bring the Signature Experience to life, creating meaningful connections and exceeding customer expectations.


Highlight Your Brand’s Individuality with our Signature Experience Design

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Maximizing Impact: The Benefits of Signature Experience Design

Discover the transformative benefits of Signature Experience Design, elevating brand alignment, team engagement, and customer connection.


Alignment with Brand Equity

​Ensure your customer experience is seamlessly aligned with your brand’s equity, strongly reflecting your core values and enhancing your brand’s identity.


Differentiation from Competitors

​Craft a customer experience that stands out by being deeply rooted in your brand’s purpose, values, and DNA, setting you uniquely apart from the competition.


Team Engagement

​Engage your team in a journey where emotions and customer-centric actions are prioritized, making them an integral part of delivering an exceptional experience.


Ignite Team Passion

​Create significant momentum around your customer experience initiative, sparking energy, proactivity, and passion within your team to drive ongoing success.


Enhanced Customer Loyalty

​By consistently delivering an emotionally resonant experience, you foster stronger, long-lasting relationships with your customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.


Enhanced Employee Satisfaction

​By empowering your client-facing teams with the tools and skills you also foster increased engagement, as your team feels valued and integral to the brand’s success.


How can we monitor the impact of this new Signature Experience on our clients?

There are several ways to monitor the impact of the new Signature Experience. The first indicators we observe are improvements in key retail KPIs such as conversion rates, UPT (units per transaction), and ATV (average transaction value). We also track the evolution of global customer satisfaction through Customer Experience Evaluation (CXE) and Voice of the Team (VoT) programs, as well as Google Business reviews. Additionally, we closely examine your brand’s customer base and evolution in the months following the Signature Experience training. Finally, we assess the changes in client interactions on the shop floor, noting improvements in welcoming dynamics, increased use of open questions, and a greater willingness to go the extra mile.

How do you translate Signature Experience intentions into tangible actions and best practices?

We always begin from your clients’ perspectives, focusing on their emotions. Our approach is based on a funneling process that simplifies the Signature Experience into concrete, actionable steps. Simplicity is essential for engaging client-facing teams in a mindset shift. Through co-creation with your brand, we validate these actions with shop-floor teams, ensuring they are practical. Actions that consistently generate positive outcomes for both the customer and the sales advisor become best practices and are shared across the team for broader adoption.

How do you reflect cultural nuances in the blueprint?

Our methodology emphasizes co-creation with the brand and its various markets. Throughout the design process, we maintain regular touchpoints with different markets to ensure their voices are heard. We use a variety of methods, including short co-creation workshops, asynchronous surveys, and remote feedback sessions. In the blueprint and training deck, we incorporate key topics like the art of questioning, creating peak emotional moments, the END moment, and outreach do’s and don’ts, all tailored to the cultural nuances of each region where the brand operates.

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